WWII Pacific Theater Seabee Souvenir Crate (ID'd)
This is an original WWII wooden send-back souvenir crate. While its original contents are unknown, much can be gleaned from the information painted on it. It was sent by a Seabee, CM 2/C Virgil Max Corse, serial number 655 21 29. View the Veteran's Information Section for more details regarding Corse's life and military service. The crate is unfortunately lacking its lid, but retains its original wartime postage stamps. Its dimensions are 8" x 10" x 6.5".
Veteran's Information
Virgil Max Corse was born on July 12, 1919 in Lyle, Washington. He enlisted in the United States Navy on September 23, 1942. Based on wartime muster rolls (made available below), we know Corse sent this crate home sometime after December 14, 1943. At that time, he was a CM/3c serving aboard the U.S.S. Mizar and the crate evidences a promotion to CM/2c. He was honorably discharged on October 24, 1945. At just 37 years of age, Corse died on December 31, 1956. He is laid to rest at Ivy Green Cemetary in Bremerton, Washington.