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WWII German Luftwaffe Ground Assault Badge

WWII German Luftwaffe Ground Assault Badge

This is an original WWII German Erdkampfabzeichen der Luftwaffe (Ground Assault Badge), made of silver-plated zinc. It was manufactured by G.H. Osang, of Dresden. These were first introduced on March 31, 1942 to be awarded to fallschirmjagers, field divisions, flak crews, and assault gun crews. In order to qualify for the badge, a soldier would have to either: survive three ground combat actions on three separate days, earn another decoration in ground combat, or be wounded or killed in ground combat. This is the early variation, with the eagle consisting of a separate piece - whereas later in the war the eagle was fully integrated in the design. The silver finish has mostly worn away. The reverse still retains the catch, however the pin and hinge are unfortunately damaged and missing.



    The items offered for sale by CIRCA1941 are genuine pieces from the second world war. All items are guaranteed authentic and, upon request, a Certificate of Authenticity will be included in the sale.

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