Early-WWII U.S. Fixed Loop M1 Helmet & Rayon Westinghouse Liner (ID'd Set)
This original M1 helmet is ID'd to Staff Sergeant Francesco "Frank" Santagata, serial number 31038630. View the Veteran's Information section for more details regarding Staff Sgt. Santagata's military service. The McCord manufactured front seam fixed loop helmet shell has a heat stamp of 421C, dating its production to January 1943. The helmet retains its original olive drab factory finish, cork texture, and brass-buckled khaki chinstraps. Interestingly, the steel shell's interior is penciled with "Cpl. R. Heltman", indicating that Staff Sgt. Santagata likely procured this helmet as a replacement. The Westinghouse manufactured liner's original olive drab factory paint finish is in excellent condition. It features non-painted steel A-washers and a rayon suspension, dating the liner's production to mid-1942. One of the A-washers was installed inverted, apparent by its concave presentation. The rayon suspension is strong and intact. It comes complete with its original double wire headband, neckband, and green flat-buckled leather liner strap. Both the suspension and the headband are stamped with Santagata's serial number, "31038630." The exterior of the liner is penciled "S/Sgt. Santagata."
Veteran's Information
Providence, Rhode Island resident, Staff Sergeant Francesco "Frank" Santagata, serial number 31038630, was born on August 24, 1915. He enlisted on March 19, 1941 - months before the United States entered the war. Staff Sgt. Santagata died in June 1979. Made available to the new owner, below, are Staff Sgt. Santagata's records from the National Archives as well as Ancestry.com. Normally, we would have also requested Santagata's complete file through a FOIA request, however this is unavailable at the time of writing - there is still plenty of research for the new owner to do!